Saturday, April 16, 2011

2nd 100 Days of Scouting: Day 68

Landscape Architecture Merit Badge

Rain started about 3:30AM.

All of the Scouts, ages 11-14, were up and ready to go by 7AM.  Last night we had 3 miles of up to get to the campsite.  Great view over a rock ledge of a neighboring town a couple of miles away.

We expected today to be flatter, following the ridge line.

Nope:  4 more miles of up, followed by 2 miles of down to our campsite.  By the time we got there, another party had beaten us to the shelter.  A long day of rain, hard hiking and being soaked to your bones made it easy to call it a day and hike the last mile out.

I hate doing that, but it was the right call.

When we got home, we found out that Virginia was under a tornado watch all day.  Where we were is too remote for contact, so we had no idea.

Yep, right call.

Today I:
  • Backpacked a total of 7 miles in the rain.
  • Crossed a rain-swollen stream...and fell in helping a 100 pound Boy Scout get across.  Found my adventure!

The BSA's Hazardous Weather training has made me much more cautious than I would have been earlier in life.  Do you use it?

1 comment:

Phil said...

So jealous that you're out backpacking already. We had snow today, so another month or two at best before we get into the mountains. I hope this will be the first year to get our Troop out backpacking. I know once they get out there, they will want to go back often.

On a side note, dry oatmeal in the rain does sound really funny.