Tuesday, March 9, 2010

100 Days of Scouting: Day 30

Today I:

Printed out the pdf workbook for Personal Fitness for my First Class Scout.

Emailed reminder to the troop to bring their packed backpacks to the meeting tomorrow night.  First backpacking trip for half of the troop.  I love the stuff they think they need...

Found a way to squeeze 2 more Boy Scouts into our backpacking trip this weekend.

Provided advice to a Scouter on Twitter.

Enabled calendar functions for our Venture crew's YahooGroup.

Reassured a mom that her son is doing fine in the troop--first year Scout.

I'm beginning to explore how councils manage their social media work--volunteers, current employees or contracting out to others.  How does your council handle it?

[The Amazon link above is for the book.]

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