Tuesday, March 2, 2010

100 Days of Scouting: Day 23

Today I:

Completed the advancement form for our troop's Court of Honor tomorrow.

Made copies of the paperwork for each eligible Webelos Scout to attend our council's Webelos Crossover.

Brought up an uncomfortable post:  Succession Planning What would happen to your units if you came to an abrupt end?  It happened to this troop.

Posted this early today, because a fellow Scouter is stranded at work tonight, about 90 miles from here.  So, I'm on the road later.  Hope I don't need that succession plan!

Today, tomorrow, or in 10 years, the effort you make toward Scouting matters.  That shy, geeky introvert in the troop?  One day will lead a lot of boys, a seed planted by you!  How do I know?  Trust me...

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