Wednesday, May 19, 2010

100 Days in the Future

100 Days of Scouting has come to a close.

It began with the centennial anniversary of Scouting in the United States.  The original idea was to motivate people--and especially me--to make sure we did something to improve the Scouting universe each day.


Big things like becoming a BSA Speaker or beginning a new Scouting blog.

Medium-sized things like using Twitter and Facebook to encourage other Scouters to get active and stay active.

Small things like taking a phone call from a Scout, shooting the breeze with a former leader in line at Walmart, or signing another blue card.

They all add up to moving Scouting along.

What's Next?

First, if you are just discovering 100 Days, jump in.  Get started.  Right now.  Blog it.  Add a comment below to tell us all that your 100 Days blog is running.  Tweet it if you like.  But get started today.

Don't be bashful--A Scout is brave.  Do your best.

If you've been here awhile, you have either jumped in or been following along. Following along is fine.  Nothing like reading and being inspired.

Now, here's your chance:  08 FEB 2011 (and each year thereafter) we should commemorate the anniversary of Scouting by exercising the 100 Days again.

It is the middle of winter then, so the weather isn't cooperating for much Scouting.  The Scouting year is just over half finished.  For many Scouts and Scouters, the blahs have set in.

No more.  This is the time of year we need a swift kick to get us moving.  Spring and Summer are coming fast, and will be all the better for our February focus.


The best way to get reminders is to Subscribe--click on the "Posts" button and have it added to your RSS feed.

Another great way is to follow along on Twitter--you'll see the automatic posts from the blog there.

Any other ideas for making the most of 100 Days?  An annual re-dedication seems like a commitment I can live with--how about you?

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