Friday, May 14, 2010

100 Days of Scouting: Day 96

Today I:

Fixed a new Scout's Boy's Life subscription.  He paid for it but it wasn't marked on the registration form.

Contacted all of the troop's dads about stepping up to help handle one campout year.

Helped a Dad get the dates for Cub Scout summer camp so that he can surprise his son and go!

That was it for today--busy at work, but just a little time for Scouting.  Always try to make a few minutes for Scouting.  What was in your minute today?


Unknown said...

A just barely premature congrats on a job very well done. I certainly hope we don't stop hearing from you come Tuesday. Thanks for the inspiration!

Scouter Doug

Scoutsigns said...

@Scouter Doug--appreciate the kind words. Tune in to the Scoutsigns blog for more in the future.

100 Days will continue next February!