Tuesday, May 4, 2010

100 Days of Scouting: Day 86

Today I:

Helped a Scout with his summer camp merit badge selection.

Reminded other Scouts that the deadline for their summer camp merit badge selections are overdue.

Set up a plan for a Webelos Scout who wants to get his Arrow of Light and cross over to the troop the day he is 10.5 years old.  Just needs to finish Readyman and Outdoorsman (both started already).

Announced new meeting time for the pack--scooting to a half-hour earlier.  Every parent is happy so far.

Posted the April Eagle Scouts for our council!  Great job, guys!

Today, Scouting was all about the boys--lending a helping hand to the Scouts, council and Scout families.  How about your Scouts?  Something special today?

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